Track Training for TriLaVie Members 6:00pm – 7:30pm in Irvine
August 27, 2015
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Track Training: TriLaVie Team Training focusing on intervals and good form for fast running. Includes strength, stretch and self-care techniques.

Track Training for Team TriLaVie
Another FUN training on the track. We will explore many exciting and relevant ways to use the track to get stronger and faster. This is not about "sprinting" until you puke (the old-fashioned way). This is about crafting a run training designed to make you faster with less running.
- Warm-up walk or run
- Running Drills, Form, Power
- Strength and Stretch exercises for better running
- Self-Care techniques to promote recovery and health
- Running gear including shoes, socks, hat and sunglasses if you wish
- Water/fuel to drink
- Watch or time-piece to log speeds
- Mat and Towel for stretch, strength and self-care
- Tennis Ball if you have one, I have some to borrow
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.