Track Training for TriLaVie Members 6:00pm – 7:30pm in Irvine
June 25, 2015
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Track Training: TriLaVie Team Training focusing on intervals and good form for fast running. Includes strength, stretch and self-care techniques.

Track Training for Team TriLaVie
Another FUN training on the track. We will explore cadence. You are welcome to bring your ipod/smart phone with music. If you prepare tracks with RPMs of 85-100 that would be awesome. Using our tempo trainers and MetroTimers will help you run at a designated cadence.
- Warm-up walk or run
- Running Drills, Form, Cadence
- Strength and Stretch exercises for better running
- Self-Care techniques to promote recovery and health
- Running gear including shoes, socks, hat and sunglasses if you wish
- Water/fuel to drink
- Watch or time-piece to log speeds
- Mat and Towel for stretch, strength and self-care
- Tennis Ball if you have one, I have some to borrow
Got Questions?
Contact TriLaVie Founder and Head Coach Martha 949-374-2096
Venue: Sierra Vista Middle School
Venue Phone: 949-374-2096
Venue Website:
Sierra Vista Middle School is centrally located in Irvine between Culver and Irvine Blvd.