Run + Fueling Overview in Irvine

  •  June 12, 2016
     7:00 am - 11:00 am

Team run for race preparation! Distance from 4-8 miles, plus an overview of fueling for maximum performance.  Bring samples of your fuel to share and try!

TriLaVie Team Run!

NOTE: Different Start Times for Distance Groups!


Bring FUEL!  Let's share fueling options and containers. Bring a sample of your fuel in the original container (if possible), electrolytes, etc. to share with others on the team.  If you can bring a bottle mixed, we'll have sample cups to taste and try!  We'll do a display table and we can have an informal show-and-tell to share our choices.


  • BRING YOUR FUEL SAMPLES to share and breakfast item before you train.
  • 6:30am Ironman and Vineman 70.3 athletes meet with Martha before the run
  • 7:30am Olympic and Sprint athletes meet with Martha before the run
  • 7:30 - 8:30 am Runs Begin (after coach talks) 4-8 miles, depending upon training goals
  • Fuel sharing before and after the run
  • Strength and Stretch when you finish your run
  • 9:30am Breakfast Starts
  • More Raffles!!!  Arrive early to get your tickets!


  • Running shoes and gear; hat, glasses, sunscreen!
  • Water/Fuel on a belt or hand-held device, at least 20 ounces
  • Gear to create warmth if it is a cool morning.  You will thank me later.
  • Mat/Towel for stretch
  • Tennis ball - if you have one, for self care.  Martha has some to give-away too!


Martha's Breakfast Note:

Please do not bring items if you do not sign-up for items.  We are having a challenge with amounts of food and planning.  The Breakfast Brigade plans the number of items based on the women on the team as well as participation for the training event.  When you bring an item and you are unregistered, it causes waste and it messes up our "once every 8 weeks" number.  I hope that makes sense!  Questions:  contact Lisa Nickell directly at

Breakfast Sign-Up Genius Link:



285 E Yale Loop, Irvine, California, 92604

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.