TLV Training
June 28, 2020
7:30 am - 12:00 pm
We will be meeting at Newport Dunes at 7:30 am for a Swim/Run Brick. We will be doing a short swim w/ a longer run. Since we (most of us) have not been in the water lately due to closure the past 3 months, we will have 2 groups if needed (one group of experiences swimmers and the other will practice acclimating to open water again just doing drills closer to the shoreline). Wetsuits are required and if you do not have one or would like to swim w/out one, please notify me beforehand . After the swim we you can change at the bathrooms there and begin your run.
Venue: Newport Dunes - Back Bay
Newport Dunes is a recreational area in the Back Bay of Newport Beach. The swimming area is a bay and there is direct access to the Upper Newport Bay cycling and running route – a paved road with low-car traffic. You can park on the street for free in designated areas. No need to pay to enter the Newport Dunes Complex.