Team Strength Training at the YMCA – Mission Viejo

  •  March 13, 2019
     6:45 pm - 8:00 pm

 Functional Strength Training. 

We will be doing functional training at the YMCA to work on our strength for swim,bike,run . Just bring water and a small towel. Sunday is a long run focusing on our muscular endurance with some strong effort at the end of the run. Run time is between 60-90 minutes. Athletes should bring their nutrition to practice what they plan to do in their races.

You are welcome to arrive early for set-up and preparation so we can use out time in the room to maximum advantage.


  • Water - 2 bottles
  • Recovery snack

This class is for TriLaVie Team Members and to TLV Club members ($10 drop-in fee).  Also upon availability, these classes are open up to friends and family ($15 drop-in fee).



Venue Phone: 949-351-9101

27341 Trabuco Circle, Mission Viejo, California, 92692

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.